Project Description

The Perfect Prey

Theu Boermans

De Prooi, based on the bestseller of the same name by journalist Jeroen Smit, tells the story of the rise and fall of banker Rijkman Groenink and the fall of the ABN AMRO Bank. Groenink is a brilliant banker, seen by some in the financial world as a wonder boy. He becomes chairman of the ABN AMRO Board of Directors, but will succumb to his lofty ambitions and hubris, dragging the bank into his fall. His Achilles’ heel is a lack of empathy. Although Groenink is still named Dutchman of the year by Elsevier in 2005, he says goodbye to ABN AMRO in 2007, which has been taken over by the consortium of Fortis, RBS and Banco Santander. The series focuses not so much on the question of blame, but on the mechanisms of power in an economic era when people thought the trees reached for the sky.


producer and postproduction manager
Two part series

Overlooking the production of the series commissioned by Dutch Broadcaster. Taking care of contracts and the hiring of crew and vendors. Taking care of the postproduction schedule and delivery.


Two part TV series


Golden Calf best drama serie, Golden Calf for best actor in a drama series for Pierre Bokma